Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Things I have Learned the Past Four Years

A few weeks ago marked the anniversary of being home from my mission. Four years actually, I have been home a lot longer than I served, which is a weird feeling. It has been the strangest, most productive, most fun, challenging, and blessed years of my life... so far. So I would like to compile a list of things I have learned these past 4 years, in hopes that others might learn from them too. So here they are, in no particular order I might add...

1. Attitude is everything. We all face hard times that test our faith, our morals, values, and the strength within us. But with hard times, we must face them with a positive attitude and we can always know that we will come out triumphant.
2. Pity parties never accomplish anything. You know the person, the one always feeling sorry for themselves. Always moping and groaning and whining. These are the types of people who will NEVER get ahead because they are too self indulged to see the blessings around them. We have all done it, no one is blameless in this issue. But there are those who live on this "woe is me" attitude most their lives and they will never be happy.
3. Faith and hope can get you through everything! There is so much power in the things that cannot be seen or felt. I have been on the side where I no longer believed in a higher power, and I have found that life became much more harder than ever before. Why? We all have the need to connect spiritually with a higher being, it is important to the development of our soul. To know that we are not alone, and have faith and hope that all things will one day come together like the pieces of a puzzle.
4. Don't take life too serious. So many people take things too seriously, and do not find the laughter in things. I understand that some things are sacred, and should not be played with. But don't overdo it. Life is too short to be grumpy and anal about things. Have fun, laugh it off, and remember that a little inappropriateness is sometimes OK.
5. Changes are out of your control. Don't get bent our of shape whenever there are changes in your life that you have no control over. But remember, that you do have control on the way you adapt to those changes. For more information, see point 1 :)
6. Most people dying to get married, wont, sorry. This is for all you ladies and guys out there in Mormonland who feel the pressure of getting married young. I understand you see your friends around you getting married and it makes you want to do it too. But take your time, it will happen one day. I have seen this so many times, those that are desperate to get married usually don't do it as fast as those just letting things happen. Let the chips fall where they may. Enjoy the moment, plan for tomorrow but don't live for tomorrow.
7. Friends come and go, but family is everything. The most important relationships you can have, are the ones you make with your family. Friends are nice and a very important aspect of your life. But the friendships you make with your family, will the the ones that last an eternity. Don't compromise those relationships for things which are temporal. If you are in a relationship which takes you away and damages that bond with your family, chances are that relationship is not good for you and will not last.
8. Service to others is the key to happiness. The times where I have felt the most happy in my life is when I was helping others. If you ever need a pick-me-up, are in dire need of blessings, or just want to change the daily routine you are stuck in, find a way to serve others. Service to others can have a huge impact on your life, it will boost your self esteem, help those that are in need, you will develop new relationships, and you will be doing something honorable and note worthy. Find the opportunities to serve in your everyday lives.

There are many more things which I want to share, but for the time being this is what I give to you. I hope that as you read these words, a spark within you is ignited and you make a small change in your life for the better. Sometimes, we live through challenging times so that we can bless the lives of others through our experiences. May God bless you all.



Unknown said...

Amen. Ps. Congrats on the engagement! I'm happy for you.