Today I write to you about something that has been bothering me all weekend, and as I have before, apologize if this offends anyone. With these posts, I encourage discussion, even if you think I am completely wrong. I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong and so with that disclaimer, I would like to talk today about the things that have been bothering me lately.
This past weekend I had the privilege to attend a wonderful church meeting, I will not go into details as to what exactly that meeting was to try and keep this as anonymous as possible, all I will say is that there is no denying that it was a very wholesome and spiritual meeting and enjoyed by many.
During this meeting, as I do in others, my fiancée was kind enough to scratch my back as she does in all church meetings. You see, I grew up a spoiled little brat. I inherited the need for attention from my mother and the love of a good back scratch from my father. Growing up, my loving mother always kept me from being rowdy during church by relaxing me with a good old fashioned scratch. That responsibility later fell on my sisters as long as the favor was returned and in some cases, with a small monetary bribe. Later on in my life when church became a source of anxiety and fear, the soft fingers running around my back and neck became a useful tool in keeping me from running out of the church screaming.
Well during this meeting, as mentioned above, my fiancée did as she always has and scratched my back, and I returned the favor of course with that a very simple, innocent, and loving way to show our affection. There was nothing inappropriate, nothing that hadn’t been done before, just tickling the back and arm as we always do.
The meeting was over, the Spirit there was incredible. Everyone seemed to have had a very enjoyable time, until I saw this person walking towards me; I knew she was going to say something because she had that angry look like I had done something wrong. She approached me and wanted to talk to me and gave me that disclaimer that everyone gives when they are about to offend you: “I don’t want to offend you but…” You know what I’m talking about, those phrases that seem to give people permission to tell you whatever they want without any consequences. Well she said it, and then proceeded to tell me that when my fiancée and I “caress” each other it’s very distracting. Normally wouldn’t be bothered but more humored, but she sad it with a very angry tone, so much that a woman who was standing near us talked to me about it, more on that to come. Her voice was cracking as if she was near tears, her face very patronizing with that “better-than-thou” look. I asked her who was complaining and she answered with a brief and hostile: “I’m saying it!”
Once she got all she needed to get out she walked away. I bit my tongue and didn’t say anything because I can be quite the jerk when attacked. My mind filled with comebacks which I will not mention because of how hurtful they could have been. Instead, I kept my mouth shut and when she walked away, the woman that had witnessed the whole thing proceeded to tell me: “That was weird!”
Yes it was weird! Everyone reading this raise your hands if you have NEVER scratched someone’s back or arms during church. It is something I have been used to all my life and especially now that I am in love and soon to be married. I love making Lindsay feel loved and taken care of. But this individual didn’t see it that way. Who goes out of their way to notice things like this? My opinion is that when you are in tune with the Spirit, things around you do not seem important, your focus is on what is being said, the spirit of the meeting. Her hostile words and angry demeanor made me think that this person was not feeling the same spirit that everyone else was and it was unfortunate that she had robbed from the atmosphere of such a spiritual event with her judgmental and aggressive manner.
Roger Merrill, the Sunday School General President, said the following: “When we focus instead on seeking and receiving the Spirit, we become less concerned about a teacher or speaker holding our attention and more concerned about giving our attention to the Spirit.” I think this also applies on what happens around us. When we are focused on what the Spirit has to teach us, we become less aware of what others are doing around us. Not only that, but did Jesus not ask His disciples to not content with each other over the Gospel?
To those of you who are quick to judge. Who go to Church to notice what everyone is wearing, what they are doing whether it be wrong or not, to point out the mistakes people make, criticize the lessons taught, and etc etc etc… I say, look inside, find those things within you that YOU need to change and focus on bettering yourself. Focus on what the Spirit has to teach you, I promise that if you do, the things that happen around you will not matter.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Oh The Joys of A Singles Ward!
Posted by Disraeli at 9:11 PM
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I really like your post. When my husband and I were dating he would come to my ward with me where I taught him what my sister, brother, and I would do during meetings, tickle each others palms (try it!). I think some people seek to be offended. Sometimes when people say things that irritate me I try to remember Elder Bednar's talk from a few years ago about trying not to be offended. I love how he said it is a choice to be offended, so well put! That lady made a silly choice! Congrats on your engagement!
No comments yet on such a fascinating topic? Well, lucky me to be first!
While I've never been publicly chastised in church (that I remember), I've been chastised in even more public forums, and I hate it. (Let's be honest. I'm a sensitive guy. Even when given privately and kindly, it still hurts like the dickens.)
What makes me more curious, is why is it still bothering you?
Amen, Disraeli, amen. We all need to focus inward, not outward in our worship. We all have our own things that we desperately need to change without worrying about what others should change, especially when our outward expressions are much more subtle than those thoughts that merit true repentance.
You've hit on a major problem in Mormon culture and the reason why too many aren't comfortable among us. We're often way too uptight and conformist and judgmental.
Thank you for your feeedback guys. You are right Nicole, we chose to be offended and it goes both ways. MJ, I'm not really all that bothered by it, at first I was, then the feeling past and just wanted to get it out of my system, which I always do by writing. Well put Chris, you are one of the wisest of my friends and I always look forward to your comments. And Chris B. this goes back to an earlier post of Mormons being uptight and judgmental, which as you remember caused alot of controversy. Oh and I still love your Sugar Beet posts!
Disraelí, you´re going to be surprised but my comment is not to tell you that the lady was wrong. I really thing probably the approach was wrong but not in concept. I´m coming from a religious background where you go to a religious meeting with no other purpose than to learn or adore. To me, the standard is the Temple. Certainly we don´t seat together with our spouses or girlfriends but we are separated by an aisle. I don´t caress, place my arm around my wife not around any of my children´s shoulders. My belief is that we´re there to be with the Lord or learn from his servants. I don´t know that I´d go and tell someone. I don´t like it but I always try to focus on what´s important, however, in the Temple we dress all equal, we don´t talk to anybody but we can whisper, precisely not to distract others from the Spirit of the Temple. We cannot say: "Oh well. That´s her problem!" Because it is OUR problem. We should never do anything that may distract others "Do unto others" right? I´m sure you never saw your Mission President scratching his wife´s back during any meetings or viceversa. If your mom did it to you to keep you awake when you were little, I understand, but you´re no longer a child and as an adult you should be awake and attentive. Thank yoU!
Thank you Alex!! Wow, that was a pretty picture picture you sure painted of me Dis. This is your blog and as a fellow blogger I know you have every right to say exactly how you feel, I mean hello, this is your blog, right!?
I just wanted to set things straight. The first being in response to Steve Hardy from his FB comment, and hopefully to set you at ease a little Dis; no, I do not have a crush on you.
Second, I am sorry I came across as I apparently did, I should have chillaxed a bit before I brought this up. I really "didn't mean to offend you." In that I was wrong, and I apologize. The topic, despite what emotion I should have had coming to you with, is not something I would change or apologize about. We are in church, whether it's in the chapel or the primary room during a baptism, and it is extremely distracting for some one sitting behind you to pay attention when you really are "caressing" eachother's backs. I am not against affection, but I do believe there is a time and a place for what's appropriate. I also learned, always the hard way, that we need to make sure that our actions do not distract others from feeling the Spirit. I say that fully aware that I am not excused from this and have been guilty of distracting others, along with being know here as "the mean girl", I have also been known as "the never-ending talker." How did I know I was distracting people, they told me.
I will do the advice given and sit in the front of chapel or at any other church engagements, thanks friendly advisement! I just wanted to let you know exactly what I told you before, so no need to re-hash over it. Thank you, nice blog btw.
I support the woman.
I mean, what would Jesus do? Write a blog about it? Um... probably not.
And then go and tell people to read about it on facebook? Not once...But three times?
I don't know about you, but High school was SO 7 years ago.
And I support the truthfulness of the temple...and the love thats found in that.
Nothing is more frustrating than watching a couple "scratch" each other when you're trying to take something in. It IS distracting, and kudos to this woman (who I'm assuming is named Leslie...) for saying something that everyone else is thinking.
You wanted to know our thoughts... and those are mine. Stop the Scratch.
Your Stalker
#1 reason singles wards are so annoying-couples showing too much pda. it's a fine line my friend. of course you guys love each other, which is awesome, but in about 10 yrs, after the honeymoon period, you'll notice how distracting it is. VERY
i agree with Leslie and your Stalker. Sorry Dis. It's WAY annoying. But I still love you!
i agree with Leslie and your Stalker. Sorry Dis. It's WAY annoying. But I still love you!
Thank you for the feedback, let me first respond to Leslie.
First I apologize if I have hurt you. I have a blog for two reasons: 1. Writing is very therapeutic to me, it allows me to vent. 2. I like to know what people's opinions are, like I said in the beginning of the post, I encourage discussion even if you think I am wrong. That being said I never use my blog to humiliate anyone. Maybe in reading this you might have not noticed that I was 100% anonymous about who the person was, I didn't even want to mention what type of meeting the event took place in so I could keep your name completely out of it. I have no idea why you have chosen to "out" yourself by commenting on here but I respect you for having the courage to do so.
Stalker: I hope you realize that your comment is filled with contradictions. I wrote my blog completely anonymously so I do not regret what I did. If I asked people to read it 3 times was only to encourage discussion, seeing as though there were no names involved I didn't see the harm in having my friends tell me what they thought. I don't know why you're so offended by this. You ask what would Jesus do, yet you continue on trying to insult me and patronize me with your comment: "I don't know about you, but High school was SO 7 years ago." Is THAT what Jesus would have done? I doubt it.
And as far as saying something that everyone is thinking, well, obviously not "everyone" since most the feedback I received was leaning towards my side, including two bishops that I showed this to.
And last but not least, I have a great deal of respect for Hno Gomez (Alex) Leslie, and Sarah for having the courage to tell me I am wrong. Its not easy to do so but I did leave that option open. However, I can't say I respect you or the other anonymous writer, its cowardly to say the things you guys have said and hide behind them. But I forgive you, whoever you are.
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