Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Much Needed Update...

Ok, so its been ages since I last blogged. Not because I don't have anything to say, but I have been busy trying to juggle so many things... maybe a small update is in place.

Well, life has been so insane lately, and I will share a few of the things that have been going on. But first, a small disclaimer: LOTS of things have been going on in my life lately, but some I will not make public because I either cherish them and want to keep them to a select few (sorry, the irony of it all is that if you read my posts most likely you are in the select few who know almost everything about me, but just in case...) or they are things I cant make public JUST yet. But anyway, here is the latest:

Church- Man oh man has life taken a completely new turn in this department. I haven't been this spiritually happy since I left Utah. Its been a rough year here in Arizona and those who know me know that I struggled for a few months, but I am happy to report that I am very much active and loving everything about it. I currently teach in the Elder's Quorum, a calling I have always loved... its not that I think I have things to teach, but I learn so much from having to prepare a lesson and looking for the Spirit to guide me, I love this calling. I am also the Fellowship dude, which reminds me that Heavenly Father must have a sense of humor... here I was complaining about not having anyone in Arizona and struggling to go to church everyday and feeling like the outcast, and He decides to put me in a spot to show that I wont do the same to others. I love Heavenly Father. Thank you for the opportunity :)

I also realize that just going Sundays to church is not enough anymore, I need some major help. So I have been going to FHE the last couple of times despite my fears and thoughts of cheesy white Mormons... but you know what? I have been enjoying it! Who would have thought? I can honestly say that I love my ward very very much. They are not like Utah Mormons, they really depend on each other for friendship and look for opportunities to hang and be around each other because they share the same values. I respect that so much and they have taught me that it doesn't matter if you are white or brown, rich or poor, cool or kinda dorky, trendy or a total slob, if you love the Lord and share the same values you are all brothers and sisters.

Then there is Institute. I went from teaching the Spanish Book of Mormon class to sitting in the English version on Tuesdays. If there is a place to feel old, its that class. Its filled with youngsters that look like they just graduated High School, but the teacher has a similar sense of humor as I do and it keep me going every Tuesday. I also enrolled in the Thursday evening class that so far I haven't had the chance to go to due to recent trips, but it is the Pearl of Great Price so I look forward to going tomorrow.

So that's the church update, and I feel its enough for today. But I leave you with a thought that has been on my mind the past few weeks. Life is what you make of it, most of the things around you, you will not be able to change no matter how hard you try. But what you can change is your attitude, the way that you see things, and the ability to ask the Lord to help you through everything. It is amazing what a little prayer and an attitude change can do for your happiness. You make your life what it is, just remember that you are never alone. God bless.



Desirae said...

Yayyy how cute you have a blog! ok not cute but fun! you are such a sweet guy! im glad you are liking your church and ward that is awesome! have a great day!