Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Why I Created Disraelism...

To understand Disraelism, you have to understand the kind of guy I am. I have always been curious, always questioning things and wondering how they work, especially spiritual things that tend to not have a simple answer. I have also been fascinated by the mysteries in life. I always joke with people that I would love to become a Freemason, and will likely do it in my life time. I love conspiracies, I love the occult, I like knowing that we are not alone and firmly believe in ghosts and other taboo subjects. I was blessed to serve an LDS Mission in a land of magic and dark forces, a place where witchcraft and spells are abundant, I love that stuff!

But let me also make this disclaimer. I am LDS. No matter how weird I sound, how blasphemous I get, I will always be a member of the Mormon Church, aka The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is the foundation of my life and what brings happiness to it. I see how much it has blessed my life and the lives of others and to deny that I know is true would be wrong.

So what is Disraelism? Before you go off and try to get me excommunicated you need to know this: It is a joke; it is not something that I believe in as a religion. It started as an awesome group of work friends back at Tahitian Noni. We would get bored and we would email each other the foundations of a religion that was based on the Simpsons and other common interests that we had. It was a way for us to keep entertained in a miserable environment and it created some very strong friendships.

What is Disraelism now? Really, my belief is that people (especially around this valley) take life much too seriously. I am a firm believer that laughter is the best medicine. I have laughed away some major disappointments in my life and the more I learn, the more I believe this to be true. You can’t take life so serious ALL the time. You have to open your heart and soul to laughter, to the weird things in life. Basically that is what Disraelism is to me; it is my chance to merge some of the humor in my life with this lifelong dream of people following me. It’s my way to express some of my blasphemous ideas in a safe way were I can’t get in trouble for them. If you read a Disraelism update and it makes you giggle, I have done my job! IT IS NOT MEANT TO DETRACT OR MISLEAD PEOPLE. I can’t stress that enough. Disraelism welcomes and is open to people of all faiths!

So if you want to add a little bit of inappropriate, questionable humor to your life, Disraelism is for you! If you take things too seriously and you are offended by my religion, then don’t join, simple as that, chances are that I didn’t want you joining anyway ;) But stop emailing me, stop harassing me telling me I will burn in hell, and let us enjoy the humor that is life. God bless you all and ALL HAIL DISRAELISM!!!