Monday, April 6, 2009

Changes... Once Again...

After some thought and careful consideration, I have decided to go back to the original reason I started this blog, which is to share the things that life teaches me every day in hopes that it may help someone or simply entertain those who are close to me. I feel like this direction was always so positive and uplifting, were my last direction opened the doors for negativity and misinterpretation. My views are the same; I am a different kind of Mormon. But I do not wish to offend those who are close to me, and I do not want to be the vehicle for LDS slander. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I welcome comments both here and on Facebook.

What made me want to change? I had a very eye opening weekend. Some of you know by my previous post that I had been questioning some of the direction that the LDS Church had taken during the whole Proposition 8 fiasco. And although I still have questions and concerns about the matter, I have learned to have a little more faith and trust those who I know make decisions that may or may not always be easy to accept. This past LDS General Conference was an eye opener. I went about it with humility and with many questions on my mind that I felt deserved an answer. And in the end, everything was answered. I almost feel as though conference was directed to me specifically. Not only were the words specific to the questions I had, but I had a strong spiritual confirmation that it was all true.

I have also been blessed by getting to know someone very special, a lovely and virtuous daughter of my Heavenly Father. Even though I don’t know too much about her, just talking to her and getting to know her has helped me view things in a different way and inspires me to want a better, more spiritual life for myself. I haven’t felt that in so long. I look forward to getting to know her more this weekend and see if what I feel has validation.

Thank you my faithful readers. I know that some of you, as you read my frustrations and concerns, have prayed for my well being and have been concerned that I might be heading towards a path of rebellion and disobedience. I realize that as I make some changes in my life, I may lose friendships and some might see me as phony. But these are the experiences that shape us and give us the opportunity to strengthen our testimonies.

God bless you all.